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Genesis Lunch & Learn: Why Women Choose the Bear

March 27 @ 11:30 am - 1:00 pm



Bring your lunch & join us every 4th Thursday

Description: In celebration of Women’s History Month, this presentation will recognize the significant impact women have made in addressing women’s equality but also the violence that continues to be perpetrated against them. The observance not only honors women’s achievements but also highlights the ongoing need for gender equality and the continued fight for women’s rights. This presentation will also share the dangers for women hiding behind and within Executive Orders, legislation and the vile expressions that broadly contribute to a national resurgence of misogyny and reduction of women’s rights.

Participants will become familiar with the history of The Women’s Rights Movement as well as today’s threats to eliminate those rights for which our mothers and grandmothers fought so hard. We will examine the impact of Project 2025 on today’s women and gender equality. Attendees will discuss the novel and popular TV series, The Handmaid’s Tale and learn of the slippery slope towards the gradual elimination of gender equality. The presenter will also share a study from the University of Debrecen, Hungary which examines the small steps leading to the elimination of gender equality, describing the Four D’s: Distinction, Dependence, Division and Dominance. The goal of this presentation is to better understand the work we have ahead of us to ensure that rights for women are not lost, stolen or given away.


Jan Langbein
Genesis Women’s Shelter & Support

CEUs: 1.5 for LPC, SW, LMFT

Genesis Women’s Shelter & Support
National Training Center ● 2023 Lucas Drive, Dallas, TX 75219
Or join us for the simultaneous webinar on Zoom by registering HERE

If you can’t join us for the live event, you can contact after 3/27/25 to receive a copy of the recording. However, only live attendees will receive the CEU.


March 27
11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Event Category:


National Training Center
2023 Lucas Drive
Dallas, Texas 75219 United States
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